• Beauty and the Beast
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Beauty and the Beast
    Beauty and the Beast

    Charles Perrault


    Початок: 12:00

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    Beauty and the Beast

    Тривалість: 1 hour
    Автор: Charles Perrault
    Кiлькiсть дiй: One act
    Жанр: Fairy tale
    Місце проведення: Big stage
    Artemii Anishenko
    Production designer
    Larysa Apollonova
    Costume designer
    Larysa Apollonova
    Lighting designer
    Maxim Rokin
    Helpers of the stage-director

    Once upon a time, in a distant land, there lived a young prince in a magnificent castle. And although he had everything that the soul desired, he was corrupt, selfish and unfriendly.

    Once, on a winter night, an old beggar came to the castle and promised him a rose flower for shelter and warmth. But her ugliness distracted the prince, he snorted at her gift and sent the grandmother away. She warned that appearances are often deceiving, because true beauty lies within.

    But when the prince was deaf to her words, the grandmother’s ugliness disappeared and a beautiful enchantress appeared before him. The prince began to beg, but it was too late, she already saw that his heart did not know love. And she punished him, turning him into an ugly monster, and she put a terrible spell on the castle with its inhabitants.

    Ashamed of his inhuman likeness, the prince locked himself in the castle and his only window to the outside world was a magic mirror. The rose given by the sorceress was also magical and was supposed to bloom until the day he turned 21. If he can love another person and win her love before the last petal falls, the spell will lose its power, and if not, then he will live as a monster for the rest of his days.

    Over the years, he fell into despair and despair, because who would be able to love the Beast?

    Дійові особи та виконавці:

    The Kind Witch
    Prince Kind
    Beauty Belle Honored Artist of Ukraine
    The Enchanted Prince, Beast honored artist of Ukraine
    Jacques Guerisseur Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Gaston the Hunter
    Louis (Gaston's friend)
    Vitalii Nikinov
    Madame Plume Honored Artist of Ukraine Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Monsieur Lampert
    Mr. Cloxford
    Madame Chaud Honored Artist of Ukraine Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Beauties Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine
    Residents of the city, wolves, residents of the palace
    Residents of the city Honored Artist of Ukraine Honored Artist of Ukraine
