Maria Hryschenko

Honored Artist of Ukraine

of the Sumy National Academic
Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy
named after M.S. Schepkin


Participation in performances:

“Beauty and the Beast” – Madame Plume
“Tango” – Eleonora
“Forest Song”
“My Lady” is the star of the ball
“Podkolosin” – Agafya
“New Year’s Adventures of Kotygoroshka” – Bereginya
“Incident” – Mimosa
“Night under Ivan Kupala” – Palazhka
“Nazar Stodolya” – Katria
“Early on Sunday, I dug the potion” – Molodytsia
“The Merry Widow” – Hanna Hlavari
“Chumaki” – Katria
“Beautiful Elena” – Elena
“My Parisian” – Sophie
“Fashionably” – Zinka
“Narrowed-not oozhena” – Palazhka
“Bat” – Adele
“Yemeli’s New Year’s Adventures” – Glafira
“Flying Ship” – Lyubava
“Thumble” – Queen
“Antics of Hanuma” – Sona
“Puppy in love” – Oksana
“Zaporozhets across the Danube” – Oksana
“Friends from Bremen” – Princess
“Behind two hares” – Galya
“Mr. Cat” – Princess
“Tartufe” – Mariana
“The Witch from the Konotop” – Olena
“There was the Russula” – Russula
“New Year’s interlude” – Snow Maiden
“Three Cats in Venice” – Keith Sandro
“Tristan and Isolde” – Isolde
“Gypsy Baron” – Arsena
“Olenka and the soldier” – Olenka
“Crucified” – Lima
“Vivat, vaudeville!” – Fifi
“The Little Mermaid” – Little Mermaid
“Ladies and hussars” – Ziuzia