Yurii Kulyk

Drama actor

of the Sumy National Academic
Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy
named after M.S. Schepkin


Participation in performances:

“Snow White and the Seven Gnomes” – Burkotun, guests at the ball
“Breaking our souls…” – He
“Beauty and the Beast” – Hunter Gaston
“Cyrano de Bergerac” – Cyrano de Bergerac
“Tango” – Stomill
“A Christmas Story” – Frederick the Nephew
“Hamlet” – Horatio
“The Nutcracker” – The Nutcracker
“Magic Journeys”
“Podkolosin” – Podkolosin, Prolyotov, Ivan Petrovych
“Pink web” – Savka Rubchyk
“Peppy’s Shack” – Jim the Clown and Blom the Bandit
“Who’s to blame?” – Hnat
“Incident” – Meroni’s Accountant
“The unusual adventures of doctor Aibolit and his friends” – Doctor Aibolit
“New Year’s adventures of Glasha’s pussy” – Petya the rooster
“Wizard’s Treasures” – Bahram
“Accompanist” – Grigoriy
“New Year’s Adventures of Kotygoroshko” – Kotygoroshko
“The Last Confession” – Volodymyr Bondarenko
“Behind closed doors” – Corridor
“Chumaki” – Andrii
“Bat” – Helper
“Auditor” – Merchant
“Señor Juan’s Last Woman” – Miho, Servant
“May Night” – II Sotskyi
“The Game of Love” – Polo
“Fashionable” – Sisoi
“Night Debate” – The Body
“Yemelya’s New Year’s Adventures” – Yemelya
“Zapolyarnaya Pravda” – Ment
“Bicycle with Red Wheels” – Wombat
“The Three Little Pigs” – Wolf
“Flying Ship” – Duty Assistant
“Yaremy’s love” – Chortyk
“Thumbelina” – The Prince
“Konotop Witch” – Ulas
“New Year’s gift” – Bear
“Painted Fox” – Fox
“The Princess’s New Year’s Whimsy” – Herald
“The Threepenny Opera” – Filch
“Puppy in Love” – Fat

