Natalia Nerianova

Honored Artist of Ukraine

of the Sumy National Academic
Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy
named after M.S. Schepkin


Participation in performances:

“Beauty and the Beast” – Residents of the city
“My Lady” – Mrs. Higgins
“Strange Mrs. Savage” – Miss Willie
“New Year’s adventures of Glasha’s pussy” – Chicken
“Nazar Stodolya” – Hostess of evening parties, Young Ladie
“Merry Widow” – Valentina
“Narrowed – not bewitched!” – Maria Vasilievna
“Beautiful Elena” – Parfenida
“Bat” – Rosalind
“Early on Sunday I dug potions” – Young Mavra
“Natalka Poltavka” – Natalka
“May night” – Ladie
“The Witch from the Konotop” – Olena
“New Year’s gift” – Masha
“New Year’s interlude” – Fairy
“Night Stranger” – Tanya
“Courting on Goncharivka” – Ullyana
“Antics of Hanuma” – Sona
“Tartufe” – Elmira
“Cossack across the Danube” – Oksana
“Merry Carriage” – Pussy
“Cat’s house” – Koshenya
“White rose” – White rose
“Sorochyn fair” – Parasya
“Golden Chicken” – Golden Chicken
“Silva” – Stassi
“Kaidashev family” – Melashka
“Crucified” – Olga
“Baby” – Kristin
“Night on the field” – Mavka
“Gypsy Baron” – Saffy
“Ladies and Hussars” – Sofia
“Lev Gurich Sinichkin” – Drowned
“House of Madmen” – Bettina
“Wedding in retro style” – Lyudmila
“Little Mermaid” – Princess
“Your turn, queen!” – Abigail
“Ladies’ business master” – Galya
“Rose-Marie” – Rose-Marie
“Oh, Maritano!” – Maritana
“Mowgli” – Monkey
“Turkish shawl” – Katya
“Chmyr” – Marina
“Magic Gloves” – Gauntlet
“Maritsa” – Lisa