Kateryna Sachenko

Drama actress

of the Sumy National Academic
Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy
named after M.S. Schepkin


Participation in performances:

“Boeing-Boeing” – Martha
“Snow White and the Seven Gnomes” – Doc
“After two hares” – Pronya
“ART” – Françoise
“Such a story” – Anita
“Peer Gynt” – Zelena
“Nazar Stodolia” – Young lady
“Beauty and the Beast” – Witch
“Cyrano de Bergerac” – Duegna
“Funny Money” – Jane Perkins
“A Christmas Story” – Marta
“Forest Song” – Field’s Mermaid
“Obsessed” – Miriam
“The Nutcracker” – Aunt Myshilda
“Where I will stay” – Sumy Youth Choir
“The Wizard of Oz” – Glinda
“Maple leaves” – Ivanikha
“New Year’s Interlude – Fairy
“Kaidash’ Family” – Young lady
“Podkoliosin” – Thekla
“Night of Ivan Kupala” – Palazhka
“Pink web” – Polina Ivanivna
Participation in concert programs: “Music as voiced feelings”, “Stars! – On stage…”, “From the heart”, “Season 87”.