The Tango

      Sławomir Mrożek


      Початок: 18:00

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      Початок: 18:00

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      The Tango

      Тривалість: 2 hours 25 minutes with intermission
      Автор: Sławomir Mrożek
      Кiлькiсть дiй: 2 acts
      Жанр: Nonsense
      The performance is allowed for viewing by viewers aged 16 and over.
      Дата прем'єри : 29-03-2018
      Місце проведення: Small stage
      Ballet master
      Art designer
      Larysa Apollonova
      Sostume designer Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine

      Tango the Rebellion. The search for new forms, or a living idea, or power over life and death – what will bring the world back to order, what will destroy chaos and what will create new rules? People is constantly searching for answers to these questions, because without certain norms and proper conventions it is impossible to create order. Power is also order – it is order in the form of rebellion, if it falls into the hands of a person who has lost morality.

      Arthur, like every young person, rebels against the time of his ancestors, who deprived their society of all norms of behavior and led to disorder. Living in chaos, each of the heroes of the absurd lost own roots and own era, leaving behind only fragments and dust and inert objects…

      Дійові особи та виконавці:

      Eugenia Honored Artist of Ukraine Honored Artist of Ukraine
      Eugeniusz Honored Artist of Ukraine
      Eleonora Honored Artist of Ukraine