• The stolen happiness
    The stolen happiness

    Ivan Franko


    Початок: 18:00

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    Початок: 18:00

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    The stolen happiness

    Тривалість: 1 hour 20 minutes
    Автор: Ivan Franko
    Кiлькiсть дiй: 1 act
    Жанр: Provincial drama
    Дата прем'єри : 23-08-2024
    Місце проведення: Small stage
    Music design
    Costume designer Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine
    Chorus master Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine
    Lighting designer
    Sound engineer
    Assistant directors

    The situations of Ivan Franko’s play take place in 1870 in the undermountain village of Nezvanychi. And what if the author lived today? How could situations go on within the same story, but in a different time and in a different place? The stage-director of the theater Dmytro Nekrasov offers his answer to these questions to the audience, because anyone and any time can end up in a dead end due to other people’s insidious intrigues and lies. Is there a way out of it? And what is the way here? Is it possible to return the once stolen happiness?

    So, the time of the situations in the play was transferred to the turn of the centuries: the end of the 1990s, the beginning of the 2000s, the place of action is one of the towns of Slobozhanshchyna.

    Attention! Age limit 16+

    Дійові особи та виконавці:

    Mykola Zadorozhnyi the honored artist of Ukraine
    Mykhailo Gurman
    Viit (Head of the District Council) the honored artist of Ukraine
    Women (Neighbours) Honored Artist of Ukraine Honored Artist of Ukraine Honored Artist of Ukraine