The Orchestra

      Jean Anouilh


      Початок: 18:00

      Купити квиток

      The Orchestra

      Тривалість: 1 hour 10 minutes with intermission
      Автор: Jean Anouilh
      Кiлькiсть дiй: 1 act
      Жанр: Tragifars
      Дата прем'єри : 14-06-2024
      Місце проведення: Experimental stage
      Scenography and animation
      Costume designer
      Choirmaster Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine
      Lighting designer
      Ivan Bobok
      Kyryl Pererva
      Maxim Krishtop
      Helpers of the author of the staging

      The Modern Music Orchestra works in the exhibition hall of experimental art. The personal stories of the musicians come out in the breaks between musical numbers. Emotional tension, vulnerability of the heroines, a wide range of excitation and passions from intrigues, gossip, love, jealousy, disappointments and delight are not accidentally gathered on the stage in a single orchestra of feelings.

      The works of the Ukrainian band “Dakh Daughters” were used as the basis for the musical design of the performance.

      Дійові особи та виконавці:

      Monsieur Leon
      Madame Hortense
      Suzanna Delicias
      Patricia Honored Artist of Ukraine
      Yulia Sidorchenko
      Varvara Shamunova