• Obsessed
  • Obsessed
  • Obsessed

    Lesia Ukrainka


    Тривалість: 1 hour
    Автор: Lesia Ukrainka
    Кiлькiсть дiй: 1 act
    Жанр: Parable
    Bible story
    Місце проведення: Small stage
    Costume designer Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine

    “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
    and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,
    nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:
    for the former things are passed away.”
    – Bible, NT, Rev. 21:4

    This is what is said in the prophecy, even faith and the searching of the God dispel human’s sorrows, for the searching of the God is the searching of the Love.

    “Obsessed” is the interpretation of a famous Biblical story in which the issue of Love is raising.

    Miriam is the main character…

    …Being in the likeness of Mary Magdalene
    she cognizes the Love being near the Messiah like being near the Man;

    …Being the creature of the Lord
    she cognizes the Love near the Messiah like being near the Father;

    …Being in the likeness of the Virgin Mary
    she cognizes the Love being near the Messiah like being near the God’s Son.

    She passes all the temptations with Him:
    …In the desert – the suffering;
    …At the Garden of Gethsemane – the betraying;
    …On the Golgotha ​​- the death.

    So is she being able to comprehend till the end? – which of these loves is true? The one which bestows “peace” or the one which spawns the “obsession”?…

    Дійові особи та виконавці:

    Father, Judah
    Son, Peter
    Stirit, Longinus