Bread truce
Кiлькiсть дiй: 2 acts
Жанр: Drama
Місце проведення: Stage on the stage
Stage-director | |
Assistant of the stage-director | |
Musical designer | |
Art designer | Oksana Radkevych |
Costume designer | Oksana Radkevych |
Lighting designers | Maxim Rokin, Victor Ruban |
Soundman | |
Digital support | Kyryl Pererva, Mykola Ilchenko |
Helper of the stage-director |
WARNING! Age limit 16+
The performance “Bread truce” takes place in the “stage on the stage” format, which provides the effect of presence and gives an opportunity to understand more deeply the psychological features of the characters, in their effort to understand in which dimension they are.
The stage-director Dmytro Nekrasov makes an attempt to move away from the everyday reading of the play’s text as much as possible and emphasizes the disclosure of symbolic lines that abound in this dramatic work.
Дійові особи та виконавці:
Junior brother Tolik | |
Senior brother Anton | |
Aunt Shura | honored artist of Ukraine |
Valichka | |
Katia | |
Kolia | Artem Knopik |
Mashka | |
Rinat | Сергій Пересунько |