• The Scissors
    The Scissors

    Paul Pörtner

    Луганський театр (м.Сєвєродонецьк)

    Початок: 17:00

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    Початок: 17:00

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    The Scissors

    Автор: Paul Pörtner
    Кiлькiсть дiй: 1 act
    Жанр: Comedy detective
    Дата прем'єри : 18-01-2025
    Місце проведення: Experimental stage
    Andrii Romanchenko
    Andrii Romanchenko
    Helper of the Stage-director
    Honored Artist of Ukraine Volodymyr Blahyi

    Let’s imagine ourselves that one day you decided to update your hairstyle or to shave or just have a good time chatting with your favorite master or craftswoman in a good old barbershop. And today by a strange coincidence you became witness of a crime and maybe even a murder! What will your doings supposed to be when anyone of present may be suspected. Be patient and keep calm during the investigation, because your word can be keyfull and change the course of events!

    Дійові особи та виконавці:

    Hairdresser (He) the honored artist of Ukraine
    Hairdresser (She) Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Client Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Commissar of Police the honored artist of Ukraine
    Honored Artist of Ukraine Volodymyr Blahyi
    Commassar's Assistant
    Vladyslav Bozhok