• The Avalanche
    The Avalanche

    Tuncer Cücenoğlu (Turkey)

    Луганський театр (м.Сєвєродонецьк)

    The Avalanche

    Автор: Tuncer Cücenoğlu (Turkey)
    Кiлькiсть дiй: 1 act
    Жанр: ironic parable
    Дата прем'єри : 25-11-2024
    Місце проведення: Big stage
    Honored Art Worker of Ukraine Volodymyr Moskovchenko
    Music design
    Honored Art Worker of Ukraine Volodymyr Moskovchenko
    Iryna Lubska
    Costume design
    Iryna Lubska
    Plastic solution
    Oksana Kryvonos
    Helper of the Stage-director the honored artist of Ukraine

    An avelanche-dangerous mountain village submits to a strict law: for 9 months of the year people communicate by “whispers”, and only for three months with “loud”. Suddenly, the life of this society is under threat: a young woman is expecting a baby. The birth should be just at the time of the highest probability of an avalanche…

    Дійові особи та виконавці:

    Old woman Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Old man
    Honored Artist of Ukraine Volodymyr Blahyi
    Young woman
    Alina Kornienko, Anastasia Adnacheva-Ponomarenko
    Young man
    Honored Artist of Ukraine Oleksandr Hliantsev
    Yuliya Sidorchenko
    Midwife Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Anastasia Snitko
    Chairman of the Council of Elders (Man) the honored artist of Ukraine
    Oksana Kryvonos
    Vladyslav Karetnyk
    Andrii Zyma, Vladyslav Bozhok