• The Station
  • The Station
  • The Station
    The Station

    Oleksandr Viter

    Луганський театр (м.Сєвєродонецьк)

    Початок: 18:00

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    The Station

    Автор: Oleksandr Viter
    Кiлькiсть дiй: 1 дія
    Жанр: Comic fantasy
    Місце проведення: Experimental stage
    honored art worker of Ukraine Volodymyr Moskovchenko, Aliona Dorofeeva
    Scenography and costumes
    Iryna Lubska, Aliona Dorofeeva

    The Luhansk Regional Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater invites you to the premiere of Oleksandr Viter’s “Station”, a comic fantasy in 1 act.

    “Be afraid of your wishes, they may come true,” says a French proverb. What does a woman want? And does wish fulfillment make her happier?

    The heroines of the performance are three unfamiliar women. Each of them has its own problems and troubles. They meet at a mysterious Station without a name, without a ticket office, without a telephone. In the place where they found themselves, amazing things happen. Here you can rise from the dead and suddenly become pregnant, jump with a parachute and turn into a man… What happens is like a dream or an illusion, where it is easy to enter, but difficult to leave. Women become hostages of this attractive place, in which all desires are fulfilled. ALL! Except for one thing… The deceptive paradise turns out to be a trap from which it is almost impossible to get out.

    Funny, humorous and at the same time philosophical comedy gives reason to think: how often in life do we think about our desires? Above your true desires? The biggest? The most secret? The characteristic and charismatic heroines of the play will have to do this if they do not want to stay at the mysterious Station.


    The administration reserves the right to replace or cancel the performance.

    Дійові особи та виконавці:

    Tania Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Varvara Shamunova