• Love to death
  • Love to death
  • Love to death
    Love to death

    Aldo Nikolai

    Луганський театр (м.Сєвєродонецьк)

    Початок: 17:00

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    Love to death

    Тривалість: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Автор: Aldo Nikolai
    Кiлькiсть дiй: One act
    Жанр: Ironic comedy
    Дата прем'єри : 30-06-2023
    Місце проведення: Experimental stage
    Постановка та  музичне оформлення
    Aliona Dorofeieva
    Scenography and costumes
    Iryna Lubska
    Vladyslav Bozhok

    A woman and a man are two completely different worlds. Many artists wrote about it. In the world-famous Italian playwright Aldo Nicolai, whose plays are always contemporary, these two creatures are deeply lonely, too self-centered, and the love between them, paradoxically, has the character of war.

    The beautiful summer day when Bruno went to the beach to rest from his problems did not bode well. On the same day, Eve also came to the beach, young, charming, thirsty for attention and love… from this moment, a dizzying and unpredictable story begins.

    Bruno, having met Eva, finds himself involved in seemingly impossible events from the point of view of common sense. In a short time, his life makes a lot of steep turns, stopping at extreme points: traumatology, prison, a mental institution, the embrace of his beloved.

    Mario, Eva’s husband, makes her suffer deeply, because he realized a long time ago that if she loves, then to the … grave, choking, frantically, with a firmly established tax: the life of her beloved belongs only to her.

    Eva tries to convince Bruno to kill her husband, because Mario should not belong to anyone, if not her. Emotions run high, the heart greedily lives according to the laws of the ego, it seems that tragedy cannot be avoided… What fate awaits Bruno? Will the men be able to win the game in their favor?

    Even a person with the richest imagination will not be able to imagine all the twists and turns of the plot and the absolutely incredible ending of this funny semi-criminal story, which once again reminds us that love is not a war, not a struggle for leadership in a relationship, love is… To each of the viewers who experience a lot of conflicting feelings , it will be worth thinking about this eternal and seemingly simple question once again.

    Дійові особи та виконавці:

    Eva Honored Artist of Ukraine
    Varvara Shamunova, Alina Korniyenko
    Bruno the honored artist of Ukraine
    Mario the honored artist of Ukraine
