Vitalii Homenko

Drama actor

of the Sumy National Academic
Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy
named after M.S. Schepkin


Participation in performances:

“Illegal woman” – Cesare
“The Wizard of Oz” – Strashko
“Pink web” by Arkhip Gudymukh
“Beauty and the Beast” – Mr. Cloxford
“Funny Money” – Henry Perkins
“A Christmas Story” – Bob Cratchett, Clerk
“Hamlet” – Actor, undertaker, priest
“Nutcracker” – Dad, King
“Podkolosin” – Podkolosin, Prolyotov, Ivan Petrovych
“Peppy’s Shack” – Buk the Clown and Karl the Thunderer
“Who’s to blame?” – Omelko
“Incident” – Accountant Meroni
“Martyn Borulya” – Omelko
“No Spectator Viewing” – Harry-Roger
“The Strange Mrs. Savage” – Hannibal
“Long live the pharaohs!” – Overko
“The Merry Widow” – Njegosh
“Chumaki” – Petro Kundel
“Bat” – Forester
“New Year’s Adventures of Kotygoroshka” – Kuchugur
“Señor Juan’s Last Woman” – Miho
“May Night” – Sozontius
“The game of love” – Mashu
“My Parisian” by Louis Sabatier
“Rosemary” – Elbowbeard
“Debate Night” – Waiter
“Princess Christmas Whimsy” – Bell
“New Year’s gift” – Bear
“Painted Fox” – Bear
“The Threepenny Opera” – Filch
“I had a Syroizhka” – Ryzhik
“Behind two hares” – I Bas
“Don Juan vs. Donna Anna” – I Knight
“Puppy in Love” – Fat
“Quartet for two” – Evgeny
“Yemeli’s New Year’s Adventures” – Forester
“Flying Ship” – Tsar
“Yaremy’s Love” – Frol
“Thumbelina” – Mole
“Gypsy Baron” – Secretary, Servant
“Friends from Bremen” – The King
“The Snow Queen” – Kai
“Such Free Butterflies” – Donald
“Theatre” – Harry
“City Without Love” – Clown
“Mr. Keith” is Marquis
“Tartuffe” – Damis
“Orgy” – Chilon
“The Witch from the Konotop” – Semen Ryaboklyach
“Booth 27” – Hnat
“Cossack over the Danube” – Young Cossack
“The Saga of the Kaidash Family” – Lavrin, Karpo
“Olenka and the Soldier” – Soldier
“The Little Mermaid” – Forester
“Cherry Orchard” – Passerby
“Tristan and Isolde” – Boy
“Once upon a time there were three Cats in Venice” by Cat Senny
“Potassium cyanide… with or without milk?”
“On the first hums” – Timysh
“Duke of Gonzago” – Prompter
“Bike with red wheels” – Kombat
“Night on the field” – Ivan
“Verona” – Valentine
“Magic gloves” – Kolobok Lisovichok
“The fainting horse”
“Cyrano de Bergerac” – Ragno


Presenter at the concerts “Melody of love. Woman. Music. Spring”, “Generous evening, good evening”